The End – Abu Dhabi Test, Day Two

Wednesday 26th November

Esteban Ocon and Alex Lynn completed the final day of running for Lotus F1 Team for 2014 at Yas Marina Circuit today. Esteban drove in the morning session, completing 34 laps with a best time of 1min 47.013secs. Alex drove in the afternoon session, completing 52 laps with a best time of 1min 46.168secs. Both drivers ran through aero and tyre assessment programmes rather than gunning for outright times. Today was the final occasion that Lotus F1 Team will run with Renault Sport F1 power.

Fast Facts:
Track: Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi, 5.55km
Chassis: E22-03
Weather: Sunny, air 25-32°C, track 28-42°C
Programme: Aero assessments and tyre evaluations.
Laps Completed: Ocon: 34. Lynn: 52. Total: 86.
Classification: Ocon P10, 1:47.013. Lynn: P9, 1:46.168.
Interruptions: Various red flags, set-up and configuration changes. Fluid leak rectification.

What’s Next?
Lotus F1 Team will return to Enstonia.

Esteban Ocon:
“The test session went well today. I have had more time to discover the limits of the car as I already knew the E22 having driven it in Free Practice 1 during the Grand Prix weekend. We ran through most of the planned programme, but unfortunately I didn’t get to test the 2015 tyres which were planned for late in my session. We still achieved good mileage in the morning and I feel my understanding of the car is improving all the time. I received great feedback from the team, which is a great positive for me.”

Alex Lynn:
“I am very grateful to Lotus F1 Team for giving me my first opportunity to drive a Formula 1 car and I’m glad I was able to deliver what they wanted from me today. It felt so good to be behind the wheel of the E22 as it reacts so well and does everything you want it to. It was an impressive programme we ran through with many different evaluations. The team were really helpful and it was a fantastic day all round. I can’t wait for my next opportunity to drive a Formula 1 car.”

Alan Permane, Trackside Operations Director:
“Another solid day of testing completed with two talented young drivers in the car delivering exactly what we wanted of them. Aside from a small fluid leak today which cut Esteban’s running short, our testing was uninterrupted by any reliability issues so we were able to complete the majority of our evaluations. Esteban was quickly up to speed after his experience with the car on Friday whilst Alex was rapidly able to deliver what we wanted from him too, so strong days from both drivers. We now head back to Enstone with plenty of data to analyse. After the toughest season I can remember for the team, we now bid goodbye to the E22 and say thank you to Renault Sport F1 for all the years we have enjoyed together. We now look forward to the fresh challenge of 2015.”